A log home or cabin can be a beautiful place to reside or to visit whenever you need time to relax and recuperate. If you’re lucky enough to own one of these gorgeous abodes, it’s important you take proper care of it. You want to prolong the life and durability of your log home so that you and your family can enjoy its charm for years to come!
Because log homes are so unique and built differently than your standard home, they require different maintenance and upkeep. It’s important to educate yourself on what type of work your log home requires. Do plenty of research online, in books, and in your community if you can to really familiarize yourself with the ins and outs of owning and maintaining a beautiful log cabin.
One of the first things you should do upon your purchase of a log home is to refinish the wood. Many logs home will need it. You first need to prepare the logs by caulking in any gaps. You can purchase caulking materials and other log home refinisher products from a log home supply store. Search online or ask friends or family for referrals if you need help finding one. It’s crucial that you have experts as a point of reference for any and all of your log cabin needs.
The video above details the rest of the preparation process for refinishing your logs. Give it a watch to learn more!